Category: All Categories

December Musings

I would love this to eventually be a space where I can interact with people and share art and ideas and books, but for now life is crazy and this is low on the totem pole.

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Favorite Gardening Tip

We’re just coming out of one of the most beautiful, snowy winters Utah has had in years and gone straight into the moodiest, rainiest spring that has greened everything up and brought out the loveliest blooms. The birds sing out their choruses each morning and dew drops sparkle over the grass as the sun reaches over the mountains to warm the earth.

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Chronicles of Narnia- 7 book reviews

I recently reread all the Chronicles of Narnia books. They’re some of my favorites. I still remember when my dad came home with a box set of the series. I loved when my dad brought home new books for me to read. The box set was the 50th anniversary editions with colored illustrations and they were so fun to go through. Recently Netflix announced they would be making the Chronicles of Narnia into a TV series, and I’ve been waiting impatiently for updates since then. I’ve been meaning to re-read the series for a while and now seemed like the perfect time with that announcement.

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Waffle Love

So… I know Waffle Love has been around for years. Everyone’s already done talking about it. But we went for the first time a couple weeks ago and I finally know what the craze is about now!

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My Favorite Things

I remember reading a children’s book when I was younger and it told you how to find rainbows: if the sun comes out while it’s still raining, turn your back toward the sun and you’ll find your rainbow. I felt like that was a secret that should have been told to me the moment I learned how to talk.

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New Year’s Resolutions

So… How are everyone’s goals going so far? Did you trash them and think you can’t do this anymore? Did you forget you even made any? I’ve definitely been guilty of that before. In fact the last few years I didn’t even make any goals because I knew I wouldn’t keep them and why bother just disappointing myself?

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Have Courage

Happy February everyone! We’ve made it through January, everyone’s least favorite month around here it seems. Our January actually flew by. The wedding was early January, then we visited with Colton’s mom a lot the week after because she’d had a hip replacement and his dad was on a work trip. Then at the end of that week Colton’s Grandpa Matheson passed away, and we took a trip down to Parowan for the funeral.

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Wuthering Heights

I suppose since my blog is entitled Bookshelves and Garden Paths I could post about the books I read. I’ve loved reading ever since second grade when I jumped from Reader Rabbit books to chapter books and suddenly millions of worlds opened up to me. I truly don’t understand how people don’t like reading, I’m just convinced they haven’t found the right genre or story yet.

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Pheonix Wedding

Right after New Year’s, we flew to Phoenix for Colton’s cousin’s wedding. It was so nice to get out of the cold for a few days. And I saw saguaros for the first time!! I’ve always loved cactuses in real life and art and jewelry, but I think I’ve found my new favorite cactus.

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Meet Teddy!

We adopted a little one-year-old Shih Tzu from a lady who could no longer care for him. She was really sad to give him away, but due to progressive illness she could no longer keep up with the demands of a puppy.

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